Pacchetto Di Lavoro 7

Pacchetto Di Lavoro 7


( WP. Leader Polytechnic University of Tirana)



The dissemination activities implies a set of actions aimed at involving as much as stakeholders within the project, mainly graduates and companies. Thus the first step is the set-up of the project web site as a core tool for ensuring the internal and external flow of information, the elaboration of the communication plan adapted to local contexts, including the definition of the project logo in order to increase project visibility, the dissemination of articles and press releases on project goals and benefits, the definition and diffusion of project promotional materials including brochures, leaflets, posters and roll-ups, the organization of internal meetings at each project stakeholder level in order to involve the local staff in the project activities, the organization of awareness campaigns addressed to students (local seminars and social networks campaigns) and firms (focus groups) for raising the database population, as well as the organization of dissemination conferences. Following a good population of the database universities and MES will commit themselves to held meetings addressed to new Albanian universities not in the project so to strive for the system to become national.



  • Development of project website
  • Hyperlink project website on each partner organization webpage
  • Develop project brochure in
  • Elaboration of the communication plan according to stakeholders involved
  • Definition of promotional materials and diffusion
  • Organization of local seminars
  • Organization of dissemination conferences
  • Mise online on the project website the dissemination material (news)



7.1 Project webside development

The project website is thought of not only as communication instruments but also as a real service portal, an access point with the specific services provided to stakeholders (graduates, companies, universities) following AlmaLaurea model ( The portal will include all the project details according to WP; information about the partner universities, project materials, news release and report of the events. The project website will also work as a repository of project documentation, thought as an internal and outreach source of information on project aims and benefits. (project minutes; PPT presentation held during the meeting; project documentation. Training materials, meetings minutes and all relevant information for ensuring the smooth implementation of the project will be uploaded on it.

7.2 Dissemination plan and material

The dissemination plan is intended as a guidelines for Project’ Partners, to be used and personalized for enhancing project’ dissemination at local, national and international level and for spurring the involvement of project’ stakeholders and other potential beneficiaries. The plan is aimed at ensure that information is shared with appropriate audiences on a timely basis and by the most effective means through the formalization of all communication and dissemination actions that can be carried out in the framework of the project.

7.3 Dissemination events

The project envisages six dissemination conferences and two many seminars . The dissemination event will also be useful to increase the collaboration among AUT-UBT, EU partners and Albanian stakeholders and to get acknowledged of the project details; start working of the dissemination output as project website, logo and project brochure. The seminar addressed to firms will be organized on a focus group modality, as to collect inputs for the targeting of the WP.4 trainings and to share project goals and benefits, in a view to raise the firms’ registration on the web platform. The seminars will be held on the occasion of relevant meeting (i.e. annual conferences of career days, job fairs) or crucial moments for the students registration (as before graduation sessions or during stage activity or any moment related to collection of student documentation).

MES and UNDP will have active role in planning dissemination meetings , in involving stakeholders and speakers in the agenda.