Career Fair Day at Agricultural University of Tirana

Career Fair Day at Agricultural University of Tirana

On 15th of May 2019, was organised Career Fair at Agricultural University of Tirana, where GRADUA project was presented to the students and companies by the Rector of the University, Mr. Bari Musabelliu and the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Sport and Youth Mr. Redi Shtino during the open ceremony. They emphasised the importance of the registration in the platform to create an online job market for linking together companies and students. This will help the universities to improve their study programmes in line with the companies need and the Ministry in the political decisions. To enable enrollment on the platform, project staff engaged in direct meetings with business representatives and sudents to inform them and invite them to enroll on the platform. During the Career Fair organized at UBT premises. During the Career Fair day at AUT.

Over 50 students and a company were registered!

The companies that were present during the Career Fair expressed their interes for registration on the platform, but some of them were not represented by their management staff. Under these conditions they could not register, but they kept in touch with the staff involved in the project to finalize the registration procedure as soon as possible. The same interest was also noticed by the students.
Other seminars on student use and career office staff are planned to be organized over the next days at the Agricultural University of Tirana.

Photos of the Career Fair Day at Agricultural University of Tirana!