Pacchetto Di Lavoro 6

Pacchetto Di Lavoro 6


( WP. Leader Europian University of Tirana)



The work package aims at improve the competences and skills of the students for their effective orientation and guidance on the labour market, as a priority for the country. As such, an important part of the activities is based on learning from the homologues from the EU universities that will share with them the best practices, will be a real asset for the students, in order to be better oriented when they enter the labour market. The main scope is to provide students with better coaching and orient them towards the labour markets needs.

The development of student skills, able to be attractive and impressive in the labour market, as indispensable data basis for development and reinforcement of the career office envisaged the reach of a better link between partner universities and labour market.

A second set of activities is devoted to the enhancing of the already existent career orientation offices, by providing the staff with new experience, new capacities and tools for improving their activities, better link to the labour market needs at benefit of graduates employability.


  • Assessment/ analysis in details of current needs of existing structures engaged in career orientation in each partner university
  • Definition of seminar and workshop topics based on needs analysis
  • Organization of the seminar and workshop
  • Collecting of best practices implemented at career office level
  • Release of a compendium of best practices at career office level
  • Release of the recommendation report on career office enhancement
  • Workshop organization with Albanian students
  • Collection of best practice in guidance tools implemented at university/career office level



6.1 Competence provision for career office enhancement

The workshop, mainly addressed to career office of the Albanian Universities is intended to provide the staff of the career office with new tools and competences for a better and more effective placement of their graduates. The EU partners will be the main knowledge and experience transfers. Albanian Universities will present the state of their career offices.

6.2 Development of student employability skills

The activities are aimed at provide students of the Albanian Partner universities with tools to support exploring personal career and educational interests, learning about educational and career opportunities, as well as doing the planning and decision-making to establish and successfully implement educational and career plans for high school and beyond. A workshop will be organized involving EU partners (that will provide their best practices) Universities career service.