Work package 2

Work package 2


( W P. Leader Alma Laurea)


The WP is aimed at develop in the beneficiaries universities the online demand supply matching platform based on the Albanian Graduates DB. The First release comprises all the activities for set up of web services for managing the graduates information and allow the open up of the platform for their registration (the system information is a combination of different sources of information: form the graduates-assessment of their university career through online questionnaire; CVs information- administrative data provision by the university). Following the finalize of such tools that will allow the start of the population of the database by the graduates, the second set of functionalities is devoted to the development of the online tools managing firms information, for recruitment and job offer (CVs download functionalities and job offer posting).

AL experience in Italy and information collected in the activity 1.1 and 1.2. will support the Albanian database’ development with its functionalities and services to be tailored to national specific needs (labour markets, customers, HE structures). IT experts appointed by the Universities will be responsible for implementation objectives. The activity will be based on the training achievements addressed to the target staff with AL providing supervision and know-how support in each phase of pilot development.

Database population is divided in two phases: “Beta test” system with a small group of operators and of graduates to test basic functionalities; general population following Beta test. The rate of growth of the database population (number of records) is the main indicator of quality and communication efficiency towards students. Ad hoc quality indicators are determined (from input to outcomes ones) to ensure that program’ activities take place as designed (i.e. n. of trained people, n. of CV in the database; n. of firms involved in testing activities and in web platform’ use; n. of stakeholders involved in seminars and dissemination).



  • Provide decoding table in XML files
  • Provide questionnaire for mise on line
  • Technical development of the platform: tools for graduates and companies
  • Population of the database
  • Definition of platform text and mise online
  • Translation of the platform text in AL
  • Platform test
  • Daily maintenance of the platform (fixing bugs etc.)



2.1 Graduates platform tools set up (Dev. Step 1)

Development Step 1 (on-line registration, CV and questionnaire completion modules). A pilot version of the web services including the complete set up of back-office applications required for managing the graduates information (registration on the web site, username and password acquisition, CV and questionnaire completion and save, information management and update, personal data protection measures). Development of data Questionnaire/administrative merging tool (XML language).

2.2 Database population

Database population implies the registration of students and companies within the platform. The students, close to their graduation session, will be the first to populate the database (starting from the 1st useful graduation session) and then, following the release of 2.3, the system is ready for company registration. Registration will start when the platform tools have been tested (internal beta test with small group of operators will allow the tune up of the platform for its opening to registration).Database population is a core of the project and it is considered as continuous activity; the DB rate of growth and the graduates records will be the main indicator of quality of communication efficiency towards students and companies.

2.3 Companies platform tools set up (Dev. Step 2)

Development Step 2 (CV update and CV search modules) Release of a second set of web functionalities necessary for the supply of e-recruitment services (CV generation tool, CV update with post graduation work and training experiences, CV search and download tool). The prototype will be used for demonstrating services’ effectiveness and for testing market acceptance of the recruitment service.

2.4 Platform tuning

Ongoing activities to tune up the platform and daily maintenance. Such activities are performed by AL as host of the platform and then will be carried out by the trained staff of MES following the migration of the platform in Albania.