Gradua Project

Project Title: Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania (GRADUA)


Duration: 3 years (15/10/2017-15/10-2020


Project reference number: 585961- EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP


Programme: Erasmus +


Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)


The project aims at set up in Albania an innovative IT based platform for graduates tracking and employability at support of policy making and HE reform. The platform is different with respect to existent experiences (databases/job intermediaries): it is an integrated and certified demand/supply matching model based on the online DB of Albanian graduates, easily “replicable” in new universities. The platform has a twofold scope:


-enhance university enterprise cooperation and graduates employability in a unifying context of data aggregation, graduates monitoring and university-enterprises cooperation. Online graduates CVS are certified by universities, made available to companies that can check and compare on line by university, faculty and degree course level the graduates to hire according to set of variable (i.e.academic career, language and IT skills, experiences, expectations). Graduates can update their CVs and directly send their candidature to the firms through the platform. The efficacy of AL in job intermediation with respect to other systems is proven by figures (Bargues and Sylos Labini 2009).


-strengthen both the effectiveness/efficiency of the whole HE system through IT based practices and methodology: the platform is conceived to provide documentary evidence for decision making processes, new programmes planning and methodology, with particular attention to training activities and services to students (graduate’ profile survey). It is an integrated model as the surveys’ high response rates together with the statistical quality of data depends on the graduates’ fidelization effect achieved thanks to the placement services offered to them.


The project aims to create concrete synergies between University and labour market through the provision of a unifying tool available to both beneficiaries for the assessing graduates and education system performances and provide innovative recruitment tools.


Also the strong focus on capacity building will allow the prompt acquaintance by Albanian beneficiaries of the most advanced tools and methodology for running survey and analysis on HE and labour market in Albania, in line with EU trends. The innovation stays in the possibility to provide the beneficiaries in a short time (intensive training) with huge research base knowledge and EU excellence.